Aaaack! I'm not ready! But here they come. I've done 3 estimates now and I'm wondering how accurate they will be. No rack yet for the truck so I don't know how I'll transport the goats, and I am only at 6 goats right now rather than the 15 I am aiming for. No practice runs either. Nor do I think I actually have everything yet. But maybe. I have to double/triple check all that again. I feel like I have stuff all over the place and I suppose that is a) part of my chaotic way of being and b) partly just not having done this before and not having a routine yet. So far everyone I have encountered for the jobs has been pretty cool.
I am also checking in on the Rent-A-Ruminant herd which is about 1-1 1/2 hrs from me and I am getting a taste of taking care of a large herd. It's hard to keep track of them. Especially when I am having to check feet and give shots and catch them in general. Why is it that the ones whose hooves are just fine are the ones jumping up on the stand and the gimpiest ones are the hardest to catch and the most stubborn about getting their care? grrr...I'm feeling the results of matching will and strength with goats in my muscles now and likely tomorrow as well. At least I DID get some feet done. Ha!
I think the hardest part right now is that my goats and I are in different places and all the travelling around. It feels like there are so many details and things to be dealt with...
Crap. I had a bunch more written but then the internet conked out and it got lost. Grrr....this seems to be a theme of things not going as planned. I'm kinda over it.
Keep breathing, Adrienne! Totally understand where you're coming from on the challenges of being in separate places from your tasks... My winter has been a blur of transience, staying on a variety of boats (in a variety of states of livability) in Port Townsend during the week, running home to B'ham on the weekend, and constantly living out of a duffel bag in the car. Definitely gets old. Meanwhile, until we're actually in the same physical space to visit, I love imagining you, swarmed by goats. May the irritants lessen as the adventure proceeds!