Time really got away from me during the past weeks. In non-goat news I passed my license exam! So now I can practice Social Work on my own if I wanted to, which I don't but it's the top credential to have and now I only need to maintain it. I didn't get the Muckboots until a few days ago when it became imperative (due to goat-sitting in the pouring rain), but the day of my exam I did purchase a livestock enclosure for my yet-to-be-bought truck. It's metal framed wood and heavy as all get-out but it has a ramp and was under budget. Yay! Now I just have to go pick it up. And get a truck to put it on. And get some goats to haul. And a place to keep them. But my computer is bought and is being shipped right now! Over budget there. I did get some additional investment money from my paternal grandmother over the Thanksgiving holiday so that is how I am justifying the expense. Of course now I have to name a goat Elizabeth after her. In other great news - my domain name (and it's alternate) have been registered and the logo is nearly done. I am also getting a deal on some additional electric fencing from a friend who had some other livestock in the city. I think it was Juliet who laughed at me the other for having a friend with "extra livestock fencing." Humph. She's one to laugh, she said she liked the barn smell I was emitting whilst sitting in her car admiring the goats being tended. Eau de Caprine. Oooh...and I guess there are going to be 2 other Affiliates so there will be a structured training in January! I am looking forward to it even with all the "hand-on" I have been able to get being local to Tammy. I am interested to see what other people's questions and situations will be.
While this is all good news, I am feeling like I am really behind on my schedule. Which is only partly true but will be true in a matter of weeks. The holidays are slowing things down but there is also the issue of having been out of town and off of the internet for nearly 2 weeks. Thanksgiving is when I travel to the east coast and visit the family, extended and otherwise. This year my maternal grandmother, Nana, had just recently been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. In a matter of about 2 weeks she went from driving around town to passing away. Thankfully I got to see her before she lost consciousness. I then extended my stay an additional week in order to help support my aunt and to attend the funeral. The thing is that I only had internet when I was at my father's house for just over 2 days. And it's hard to go look for a truck when you are in a different state. The extra weekend away took an emotional toll as well as time. No regrets but it may mean I get started later in March than I had hoped. I think this is what is called "unforeseen circumstances" and plans taking their own turns. Some letting go lessons here on several levels. I get all anxious to get started and forget that there is a process to getting all this going. Especially since I am having to work around a full-time job. Which may not go to part-time until the beginning of February cuz my boss needs to figure some things out. Don't get me started on his need for excessive documentation to make any kind of decision. I talked to him in September about this.
Now I do laundry, sleep in my own bed for more than 4 mights in a row and try to get a crazy amount of stuff done before the end of the year. Hanging with the goats last night and this morning especially, reminds me of why I really want to do this. Chillin' with the homie goaties is good for my soul.